Free PDF The Healing Forces of Music: History, Theory, and Practice
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The Healing Forces of Music: History, Theory, and Practice
Free PDF The Healing Forces of Music: History, Theory, and Practice
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About the Author
Randall McClellan is a Professor Emeritus of Music and director of the Centre of Sacred Sound who holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in music composition from the Eastman School of Music. A composer, performer, teacher and author, he is internationally recognized as a leading authority on music consciousness and healing, philosophy of music and fostering intuitive creativity through the arts.
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Product details
Paperback: 252 pages
Publisher: iUniverse (August 3, 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0595006655
ISBN-13: 978-0595006656
Product Dimensions:
6 x 0.6 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.7 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.3 out of 5 stars
8 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,238,349 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This book covers a very broad subject that is music and sound healing. Some chapters are very "mystical" (ch. 9 Music Cosmologies and the Inner Sound) and often open to debate, and others a very scientific (ch. 2 The Process of Physical-Psychological Hearing) and hard to grasp. So at points it can be very abstract and even subjective and at other very specific and objective. The overall approach by the author is scientific, even when he writes about subjects that he might even be a bit skeptic like giving specific western note names to planets and zodiac signs or the musical notes related to each one of the chakras. The result is that you end up trusting McClellan's writing but also you realize how speculative music healing can be. At the same time it is a very interesting subject and quite relevant to modern and alternative medicine tendencies (i.e. singing bowls used by oncologist Mitchell Gaynor to treat cancer). Sound therapy has a significant potential in helping improve our health but it needs still more research and investigation, this book is definitely one of the places to start: It is both accessible to the layman and can be used as a reference book by the professional.The book is well documented and has a good bibliography, but it is lacking an index and that would very important specially when used as a reference book. The book was first published I believe in 1991, and it is starting to feel dated, this shouldn't stop anyone from reading it, but this fact makes it difficult to track some of the examples or experiments that are mentioned in the book, like the music by composer Sam McClellan, searching the name on the Internet will show very scarce results. In addition to this, even finding information about the author has been difficult for me. In a time when almost any information is easy to track down this can be a little frustrating. I read this book after reading "The Power of Sound" by Joshua Leeds, that book on the other hand has a website with links to most of the subject that are mentioned in the book! This definitely helps track new discoveries. BTW, The Power of Sound seems to be very closely modeled after this book.Clearly a seminal book in the subject and one that I foresee myself reading more than once.
Being a musician who not only studies the arcane and spiritual aspects of music, but also puts it into practice, I have high standards by which I judge books that profess to describe these matters. Most such books are, sadly, either designed for the most elementary teachings, or are utter nonsense.I found McClellan's book to be a refreshing exception. There is a great deal of very useful and practical information within. Yet it's still comprehensible to the layperson.
I have read dozens and dozens and dozens of books and articles on the subject over the past 10 years. I highly, highly recommend this book. It is profoundly wholistic and a true gift, intellectually and intuitiviely.
I did not finish this book due to the fact that I found it difficult to follow and very slow reading.
Because our ear bones vibrate from the time before we are born until we die, what we hear and how we hear are important. Sound can add to the quality of our life and the life of the planet. It's as if the universe is one big orchestra and every vibration contributes to the music. By adding to the harmony of the music, we can add to universal health.In The Healing Forces of Music, McClellan explains the basis of sound in scientific terms and shows how sound has been used in various times and cultures for healing. He demonstrates many principles for understanding our own inner resonance, and how to connect with the power within to heal.McClellan shows how our voice unites body, mind and spirit, and has properties that can increase our sensitivity to internal resonance and healing. Voice can also help remove obstacles-such as emotional stress and negative mental attitudes-that make our energy stagnant. Music can also be used in healing to quiet the patient, to help concentration and to facilitate the expression of emotions. McClellan presents a variety of techniques for working with sound and breath, from the use of relaxation to chanting vowels and ancient mantras."The first requirement of learning the process of healing is to experience the effect of various pitches on your own body." Finding your own natural voice or note is very therapeutic. McClellan tells a story of an old Armenian man who played one note on his cello day after day. His family, driven to distraction by the sound, told him that other musicians played different notes and created melodies. The old man replied that all the others were still searching for "the right note" whereas he had already found it.The discipline of music can influence us spiritually and create a meditative atmosphere. "The slower the rate [that?] individual sound events pass through our consciousness and the greater the periods of silence between them, the slower our sense of time becomes.... We may experience a sense of timelessness." In a time-stressed world, focusing on mantras and breath can give us an experience of stillness and tranquility that we can bring into our daily life to create a healthy, relaxed perspective.The Healing Forces of Music gives a reassuring look at the potential of sound and music for creating a state of well-being. It made me want to learn more and try out my own voice in all its variations.
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